Full Report for Listed Buildings
The list description is not intended to be a complete inventory of what is listed: it is principally intended to aid identification. By law, the definition of a listed building includes the entire building (i) and any structure or object that is fixed to the said building and ancillary to it and (ii) any other structure or object that forms part of the land and has done so since before 1 July 1948, and was within the curtilage of the building, and ancillary to it, on the date on which said building was first included in the list, or on 1 January 1969, whichever was later.
Date of Designation
Date of Amendment
Name of Property
E C Snaith and Sons (Tailors)
Unitary Authority
On the street line.
Second-quarter C19 shop and house with late C19 and later cosmetic alterations to the facade.
Two-and-a-half storey gabled shop with 2-bay symmetrical facade. Rendered elevations with raised decorative stucco work to window surrounds and quoins; slate roof with deep verges and decorative wavy bargeboards to the front, with plain rendered chimney to the L pitch and a modern skylight to the R. The ground floor has a full-length shop front under a projecting hipped tiled roof, supported on cusped brackets at the ends. This has a central projecting, canted bay, with flanking entrances to R and L. The bay has an 18-pane fixed front window with 6-pane side sections; above is a simple fascia returned onto the canted sides of the bay. Eight-pane glazed doors with plain rectangular overlights. Twelve-pane sash windows to the first floor, with a further, similar window to the attic, within the gable. These have moulded stucco surrounds with projecting keys having the Prince of Wales' feathers as a raised and polychromed motif.
Interior not inspected at the time of survey.
Reason for designation
Listed for its special interest as a C19 shop and house, retaining good original external character.
Group value with other listed items in Vale Street.
Cadw : Full Report for Listed Buildings [ Records 1 of 1 ]