Full Report for Listed Buildings

The list description is not intended to be a complete inventory of what is listed: it is principally intended to aid identification. By law, the definition of a listed building includes the entire building (i) and any structure or object that is fixed to the said building and ancillary to it and (ii) any other structure or object that forms part of the land and has done so since before 1 July 1948, and was within the curtilage of the building, and ancillary to it, on the date on which said building was first included in the list, or on 1 January 1969, whichever was later.

Summary Description

Reference Number
Building Number
Date of Designation
Date of Amendment
Name of Property
Cardiff Central Station, Booking Hall, Passenger Subway, Platforms 1-4, 6 & 7 and Platform Buildings  


Unitary Authority
Street Side
On S side of Central Square.  


Broad Class

Completely rebuilt 1932-1934 to designs of Great Western Railway architect's department. Replaced station of 1895-6. Rebuilding included changing level of station approach (formerly at platform level), new booking hall, platform buildings, extending platforms, new passenger subway, new goods depot, new signal boxes and signalling equipment, building 18 new bridges, widening and strengthening permenant way. Modernization of booking concourse late C20.  

Booking Hall in natural Portland Stone with Cornish granite plinth. Interior walls have granite bases. Devonshire green marble. Pilasters capped with Ashburton black marble. Ceramic tile facings. Platform buildings and subways in glazed blocks (Carrara ware by Doulton). Grey granite plinths to platform buildings. Portland stone Booking Hall in classical style with clock above slate roof. Elevation facing Central Square has end blocks each of 3 bays with parapet, cornice with central triangular pediment, Doric pilasters and Roman Bath type lunettes with keystones. Between this is canopy cantilevered on lattice girders and supported by wrought-iron tie bars, canopy continues on E return of building. On ground floor, inserted modern fascias to shops. Return to E (left) of three bays; parapet and cornice with pediment over central bay, plain frieze, 4 Doric pilasters, central bay very slightly advanced with blind round-headed arch with keystone.; beneath canopy, former entrance doorway blocked, with render scribed and painted to imitate Portland stone. Return to W (right) plain. Adjoining wing (W) in Portland stone on grey granite base; openings for former shops and public house; parapet has square openings with iron grilles. To E (left) of Booking Hall, long angled retaining wall, parapet with square openings with iron grilles. Wall panelled below to take advertisements. At R end of wall, adjoining Booking Hall, doorway to subway of luggage entrance to station. To rear, (S), blind panelling faces platforms. PLATFORMS: Three island platforms in stone but some extensions in brick, flooring originally in asphalt below canopies, and flagstones where not covered, but some concrete block replacement. All platforms have canopies with corrugated roof covering. Roof system of lattice girders with central double-pitched area and outer cantilevered canopies. Roof supported by slim cast-iron Tuscan columns, and on corbels in platform buildings. Cross girders of central areas with 3-centred arches; longitudinal girders to each bay with elliptical arches. Boarded wooden valences to roofs. At W end of platforms 3 & 4, roof divides (at former platform 5), and consists of 2 umbrella-type canopies supported on tapering I-beams. At uncovered ends of platforms, lamp standards in concrete. PLATFORMS 1&2: Two blocks of platform buildings, single storey, in cream glazed blocks (Carrara ware by Doulton), brown surrounds for advertising posters. Polished grey granite plinths. Inscriptions 'Cardiff' in raised brown ceramic lettering. Mullioned windows. Wooden doors with oval windows. Block to E contains toilets and buffet (modernised), block to W has offices and waiting room. Interior of waiting room with wood panelling and simple coved ceiling. Two housings to goods lifts with modern corrugated walls at platform level, lift housings project above canopies clad in wooden weatherboarding with hipped roofs. One wooden kiosk attached to goods lift; one free-standing kiosk between main blocks. Additional service block in brick to W of platform. PLATFORMS 3 & 4: Formerly Platforms 3,4 & 5; W end of platform formerly divided to give extra run-in for trains. Two blocks of platform buildings similar to those on platforms 1 & 2, but narrower. Eastern block has upper storey projecting above canopy (restored 1998 after fire), gabled ends, pilaster strips project above parapet; T-bar glazing to windows. Two housings to goods lifts with modern corrugated walls at platform level, lift housings project above canopies clad in wooden weatherboarding with hipped roofs. PLATFORMS 6 & 7: Two blocks of platform buildings similar to those on other platforms. Western block extended to E, as buffet, and faced in cream ceramic tiles. Further building to W in concrete blocks painted to resemble Carrara Ware. Two housings to goods lifts as other platforms.  

Booking Hall of 11 bays. Blind arcading to rear wall and above entrance. Five central bays have coved glazing ceiling, lit by artificial lighting. Three bays to each end have ceilings with elliptical vaults and are lit from front by tripartite Roman bath type lunette windows. Bays articulated by dark green marble giant Doric pilasters on granite bases. Modernisation includes insertion of enquiry office at E end, and shops to N. Passenger subway has walls faced with cream ceramic tiles with brown tiled surrounds for advertising posters. Two stairs lead to each platform. At foot of stairs to platforms, ceramic tile panels with raised cornice and surrounds, lettering, numerals and direction fingers in brown on cream background. Stairs to platforms also have walls in cream and brown ceramic tiles, wooden handrails; stairs to mainline platforms have central handrail on iron supports, stairs to branch lines narrower without central handrail. At platform level, stairways have iron rails in simple geometrical 1930s style.  

Reason for designation
Listed as most complete example of GWR major city railway station of the period following the regrouping of the railway system.  

Cadw : Full Report for Listed Buildings [ Records 1 of 1 ]
