Large storeyed house of irregular T-plan, consisting of a tall, gabled end-chimney range with a lower L-shaped primary range adjoining. Mostly of local rubble construction, the gabled, lodgings block with rough-dressed front and gable faces; finely-tooled limestone dressings. There is evidence of former external render. The roofs are slated, that to the latter section with slab-coped and kneelered gable parapet to the road-facing (SE) gable; that to the NW gable has been lost. This range has finely-roll-moulded eaves, a chamfered plinth and large projecting, gabled end chimneys, that to the SE with off-set stack. The entrance to this block is to the R, and consists of a pointed cyclopean arch with recessed C20 boarded and studded door. To the L is a C20 16-pane 2-part casement window, in a primary opening. The first floor has 3 small windows, that to the centre a square 4-pane window in a reduced opening; the outer openings are primary. That to the R has chamfered reveals and shows evidence of having originally been a 2-light mullioned window, though now it is glazed as before; that to the L is larger and has a 9-pane window. The SE gable has a blocked primary window to the first floor, at R, and 2 further blocked windows to the attic level, that to the L a slit-light and that to the R a slightly larger rectangular light, with chamfered reveals as before.
The rear of this block has a square 9-pane window to the first floor with a larger 12-pane casement to the R, both in altered openings and with C20 glazing. The attic floor has 2 large modern gabled dormers with slate-hung gables and 9-pane windows. A large, out-of character, single-storey modern addition occupies the whole length of the ground floor.
The former hall range adjoins roughly at right-angles to the NE and has a plain brick central chimney. This block also has a roll-moulded eaves course (though of sandstone) and has a boulder plinth, especially notable on the SE side. Here there is a blocked, pointed-arched cyclopean entrance at the far R, similar to that in the lodgings block and probably a contemporary alteration. To the R of this is a pronounced masonry break and beyond this point is rebuilding of the C18. Various blocked openings and masonry disturbances are visible above and to the L of the cyclopean entrance, including two early rectangular upper lights. To the L of the range are two gabled dormers to the upper floor, with windows breaking the eaves and with exposed timber lintels; that to the R is a C19 near-flush 12-pane sash, whilst that to the L is modern sash assimilation. Below this is a further C19 12-pane sash, contained within an early opening with chamfered reveals as before (originally a 2-light mullioned window); R of this is a small square leaded window in an altered opening. The gable end is an C18 brick rebuilding on a tall rubble plinth; this has 3 tiers of ventilation slits, a central boarded loading bay and an oculus to the gable apex.
The NW side of this range has a cambered-headed entrance to the L with boarded door and brick voussoirs, with a similar window to the R. Beyond this is a 12-pane C19 sliding sash window with similar head with, to the R, a rough masonry break (suggesting the rebuilding of the L section of this wall). To the R of this is a small 2-pane upper window, under the eaves, and a C20 lean-to porch/WC block beyond; of brick with slated roof and entrance to the N end. Beyond this is a 16-pane window within an earlier (probably primary) opening; this has a moulded and stopped-chamfered external wooden lintel with inner moulded window lintel, probably originally associated with a 3-light wooden mullioned window. Above this is a modern gabled dormer with 2-light window.
Adjoining the hall range at the upper (W) end is a slightly taller cross-range, which advances one bay to the NW. This has (limestone) roll-moulded eaves and a large gabled, flush chimney to the rear (effectively producing an L-plan addition). This has a tall C19 entrance to the N side, with boarded door and incorporated 3-pane overlight and modern windows to the NW gable; fine dressed limestone quoins to the corners. The rear is set into a hillslope.