Full Report for Listed Buildings

Summary Description of a Listed Buildings

Reference Number
Building Number
Date of Designation
Date of Amendment
Name of Property
River View  


Unitary Authority
Street Side
A long terrace backing on to the boundary of the churchyard at the W end of the lane.  


Broad Class

Rhiew House and No 5 were both probably built in the C17. The central section of the row (comprising Tegfan and River View, with their flying freeholds over parts of No 5 and Rhiew House) was formerly a malthouse, probably built in the mid C19, and converted into dwellings in 1971. The terrace as a whole bears the signature of the Vaynor Estate, both in the reconstruction and restoration of the timber-framed cross-wing of Rhiew House, and in the refronting of No 5 and the apparently contemporary construction of the former malthouse range. Rhiew House was formerly known as the malthouse, and was probably the maltsters house, although it may itself have included a malthouse prior to the construction of the brick range, since it was so described in 1764. The kilns and drying floors of the C19 malthouse survived until its conversion to dwellings in 1971.  

Rhiew House: The timber-framed cross-wing forms the SE end of the terrace. Slate roof; jettied gable facing the street (largely a mid C19 reconstruction); doorway to left, and 3-light casement window (renewed) alongside it. Rectangular oriel window projects from jettied gable, which has decorative panelling including splat posts below the oriel window, and flanking quatrefoil panels. Main structure comprises king-post over a collar, with tension braces, enriched with scallop-work. Fretted bargeboards with finial. The return elevation is framed in small panels with plastered panel infill, and is probably substantially the original structure. This elevation is divided into 2 principal bays by a full-height central post, with a continuous middle rail to either side. Axial brick stack with octagonal shafts (typical of the Vaynor Estate). Inserted windows. Short range parallel to street probably contemporary with cross wing in origin, though heavily restored by the Vaynor Estate. It comprises 2 bays which were originally timber framed: the lower storey was reconstructed in brick (painted in imitation of timber framing), probably in the mid C19, and although the jettied upper storey retains some structural timberwork, it is also mainly a C19 remodelling. 2 wide and steep dormer gables, each with a 2-light wood mullioned and transomed window, and fretted bargeboards with finials. Enriched timberwork of C19 date. Lower storey has central battened plank doorway and flanking 2-light windows in chamfered brick architraves. Former malthouse range: Central section of terrace is brick, and is probably C18 in origin, though heavily restored by the Vaynor Estate. The brickwork is painted in imitation of timber framing, echoing some of the decorative detail found in the short range of Rhiew House. It comprises a 7-window range, in which 4 dormers with mullioned and transomed windows (the former loft openings of the malthouse) alternate with 2-light casement windows in chamfered architraves. Ground floor has 4 doorways with flanking 2-light casement windows (some mullioned and transomed), all in chamfered architraves. Rhiew Cottage and No 5: Form the advanced end of the terrace to the W (with part of the lower storey of the malthouse range): probably originally C17, but remodelled in the later C19. Originally timber framed, raised in height and refronted in painted brick. Slate roof. Box framing is exposed in the gable end, showing clearly the original line of the roof. Framing in small vertical panels either side of a middle rail, the roof truss comprising collar with short studs. Central timber gabled porch with battened plank doorway and flanking 2-light casement window with the canopy hood typical of the Vaynor Estate to its left. Similar detail to advanced casement window in apex of gable. Later roofline has fretted bargeboards with finial. Return elevation is brick, a 2-storeyed, 4-window range, with 2 battened plank doorways and metal casement windows of 2 and 3-lights (with transoms to lower windows) in chamfered architraves. Coped gable with moulded kneeler to right, and brick stack of Vaynor estate type. Axial stack appears to be earlier.  


Reason for designation
An important and prominent group in the centre of the village of special interest for the way in which original vernacular buildings were remodelled, using a decorative vocabulary derived from this local vernacular tradition, in the Vaynor estate work of the C19.  

Cadw : Full Report for Listed Buildings [ Records 1 of 1 ]
