Full Report for Listed Buildings
The list description is not intended to be a complete inventory of what is listed: it is principally intended to aid identification. By law, the definition of a listed building includes the entire building (i) and any structure or object that is fixed to the said building and ancillary to it and (ii) any other structure or object that forms part of the land and has done so since before 1 July 1948, and was within the curtilage of the building, and ancillary to it, on the date on which said building was first included in the list, or on 1 January 1969, whichever was later.
Date of Designation
Date of Amendment
Name of Property
The County War Memorial
Situated on top of Town Hill, reached by footpath from opposite entry to Old Castle Farm.
Broad Class
Memorial classical column to the Montgomeryshire dead of the First World War, unveiled 23/4/1923, designer unknown. Additional inscription for Second World War. It was damaged by earthquake in 1990 and was repaired and re-dedicated 5/10/2002.
War Memorial. Lofty Doric column of ashlar on a high pedestal above a base of two square stone steps. Two Welsh and two English inscriptions on pedestal sides. NW inscription reads: 'To the/ glorious memory/ of the brave men of/ Montgomeryshire/ who fell in the/ Great War 1914-1919'. SW side reads 'Also in memory/ of those from/ this county/ who gave their/ lives in the/ World War/ 1939-1945/ At the going down/ of the sun/ and in the morning/ we will remember them'.
Reason for designation
Included as a finely detailed and most prominently sited war memorial column.
Cadw : Full Report for Listed Buildings [ Records 1 of 1 ]