Full Report for Listed Buildings

Summary Description of a Listed Buildings

Reference Number
Building Number
Date of Designation
Date of Amendment
Name of Property
Old Bodnod  


Unitary Authority
Street Side
Located approximately 1.5km NW of Eglwysbach village and 0.3km SE of Bodnant; set back to the W of a lane running SE from Bodnant to Graig; accessed via its own metalled drive.  


Broad Class

Late C16 or early C17 sub-medieval storied house, of end chimney and inside cross-passage plan; its parlour end rebuilt c1700 at which period some internal alterations were made. The primary range is oriented N-S with its N gable set into the slope of a hill; this was extended c1902 in Arts and Crafts style. A storied W range, in simple inter-war vernacular, was added c1920 by Sir Howard Robertson, architect of Easton and Robertson, for the Aberconway family.  

L-shaped 2-storey house of local rubble under a medium-pitched slate roof. The primary range has a tall projecting end chimney to the N (hall) gable end, with plain cornice and weathercoursing; its upper section is partly rebuilt. Further plain chimneys to Arts and Crafts extension (central stack) and to S side of W range (non-projecting, lateral chimney in two stages). The S gable end of the primary range appears to have been largely rebuilt c1700 and then heavily restored c1920. C20 off-centre entrance, round-arched and with boarded door; bold decorative ironwork. To the R a C20 tripartite casement window of 3x15 panes with exposed timber lintel; similar window to first floor. Plain gable with surmounting stone ball finial. Primary ground-floor window opening to the long E side, with rubble relieving arch and recessed, C20 2-part 24-pane casement; further, tripartite and 2-part windows to R and to first floor, as before. 1902 extension with long 4-light window to L, of 6 panes per light; plain door to entrance at R with sandstone arched canopy- hood carried on simply-shaped corbels. Stepped N gable with ball finial and two 4-light leaded windows to the first floor. The W wing has quadripartite small-paned casements flanking a central, taller, two-part casement to the ground floor. French windows to far L with marginal glazing and Caernarvon-arched head; exposed oak lintel. Three tripartite windows to first floor with further, 2-light window to L. Recessed modern glazed doors to wide ground-floor opening on W gable end; Caernarvon-arched top with exposed timber lintel. Venetian window arrangement to inner doors with central French doors with segmental, glazed top and flanking casements. Dormers and single-storey outshuts to rear, including a small multi-pane glazed bay window of semi-octagonal plan, lighting the stairwell.  

Roughly-chamfered ceiling beam with plain joists to slate-flagged entrance hall (former parlour and cross-passage, now reduced); a former primary entrance to the passage has been converted into a cupboard, though this retains its ogee stopped-chamfered lintel. The original hall space is complete and is stepped-up beyond the entrance hall. This has a fine beamed ceiling with a main longitudinal and two lateral beams with crisp stops to generous chamfers; neat stopped-chamfered joists. Wide fireplace with five-centered arched lintel, detailed as before; modern brick range within. To the R is the probable site of the original stair. Fitted window seat to original embrasure at R. In the NW corner of the hall is a later C17 ogee-stopped-chamfered, pegged oak doorcase, presently painted. This leads to a good narrow oak well stair of c1700, with oak treads and risers, turned balusters and newels (unusually) and simple moulded rail. Beneath the stair is a contemporary 2-panel, large-field door and at the stair-head is a short gallery with balustrade, as before. Part-open 2-bay roof with stopped-chamfered principals to collar trusses; simply elegant Rococo stone fireplace (C18 Italian?), brought in c1920, random-width oak floorboards. c1700 panelled door, as before to first-floor bathroom, doubtless repositioned, and contemporary boarded door to former wig closet.  

Reason for designation
A sub-medieval storeyed house with interesting c1700 interior detail.  

Cadw : Full Report for Listed Buildings [ Records 1 of 1 ]
