Full Report for Listed Buildings

Summary Description of a Listed Buildings

Reference Number
Building Number
Date of Designation
Date of Amendment
Name of Property


Unitary Authority
Street Side
Approximately 3.7km NE of Pontargothi, set back from a minor road S of Pont Ynyswen.  


Broad Class

Built by Thomas Lewis and dated 1718, on the site of an earlier house. It was owned by George Morgan in 1777. It was sold in 1848-50, at which time a second parlour appears to have been created in the rear wing, then c1865-70 it was sold to the Bath family of Alltyferin, who sold it in 1923. During this period it was probably a tenant farm. Some alteration was made, in the form of bay windows to the front, while the inserted cross beams, of a re-used material inferior to the original beams, were also probably inserted in this period. Modern alterations include central dormer to main roof.  

A 2½-storey house with basement comprising a 3-window main range with rear wing to R and outshut, of rubble stone and slate roof with central gabled dormer and skylights. The main range has roughcast external gable stacks, the rear wing an end stack. The front has a wide half-glazed door flanked by canted bay windows with 2-pane sashes, linked by lean-to canopy on wooden posts over the entrance. Above the entrance is a slate tablet inscribed 'built at the charge of Thomas Lewis 1718'. In the upper storey are late C19 margin-lit 2-pane sashes in original openings under wooden lintels. The ends of inserted cross beams are exposed. The L gable end stack is battered at the base, has an added lean-to on its R side, while to its L are inserted windows of the mid C20 and a replaced attic window. The rear wing, in line with the gable end, has a mid C19 tripartite 12-pane sash window in the lower storey, and simpler 12-pane sash window in the upper storey. On the L side, at intermediate level lighting the landing of the main stair, is a late C19 sash window, with replaced window below it lighting the basement stair. The basement window to the R is enlarged. The rear gable end is slate hung, except for the basement which has a replaced window. The added catslide-roofed outshut further R, has a replaced segmental-headed window in the gable end. Its side wall, at basement level of the main house, has windows and door replaced in original openings.  

The entrance hall has a late C19 quarry-tile floor. The kitchen to the L has a flagged floor and replaced lintel to the fireplace. Cross beams are of re-used timber. The main full-height dog-leg stair is in the rear wing, has turned newels and plain balusters, probably C18. The second parlour, added in the rear wing, has panelled reveals, a neo-classical round-headed niche with fluted pilasters in a former doorway. The dog-leg stair to the cellar has a combination of oak and slate treads. The basement of the outshut has a large fireplace with replaced lintel, and a bread oven. The roof of the main range and rear wing have pegged trusses. One of the trusses in the main range is dated 1831.  

Reason for designation
Listed as a substantial early C18 house retaining early character and detail.  

Cadw : Full Report for Listed Buildings [ Records 1 of 1 ]
