Full Report for Listed Buildings

The list description is not intended to be a complete inventory of what is listed: it is principally intended to aid identification. By law, the definition of a listed building includes the entire building (i) and any structure or object that is fixed to the said building and ancillary to it and (ii) any other structure or object that forms part of the land and has done so since before 1 July 1948, and was within the curtilage of the building, and ancillary to it, on the date on which said building was first included in the list, or on 1 January 1969, whichever was later.

Summary Description

Reference Number
Building Number
Date of Designation
Date of Amendment
Name of Property
Church of St David  


Unitary Authority
Street Side
In the centre of the village, on a slight rise above the High Street. Church stands in a roughly circular churchyard surrounded by rubble wall with wrought iron gates S and E.  


Broad Class
Religious, Ritual and Funerary  

Nave and chancel probably late C13-C14 with tower and S porch late medieval. Restored by Prichard 1871. Successor to earlier church to St Cewydd at Llangewydd to N, now ruined. In 1180 William Earl of Gloucester granted the land to William Lageles.  

Of coursed stone rubble with ashlar dressings and ashlar S porch which also has stone slates; Welsh slate roof to nave and chancel. Plan of aisleless nave, substantial W tower, S porch, lower chancel. Tower is large, rectangular with wide staircase bay on SE corner. Chamfered square headed staircase lights with paired square headed openings incorporating paired chamfered louvres to ringing chamber on E and W, single to N and S; embattled parapet on corbel table, corner gargoyles; string course at nave roof level and plinth; clock faces village. W front is of ashlar to window level and has wide 4 centred arched multiple chamfered doorway now blocked, corbels with chunky finials with crockets, broach stops at base. Above is an elliptical arched 3 light window with two 6 petalled roses as tracery, hoodmould and stops. S gabled porch of ashlar has wide segmental pointed arch, the shallow mouldings dying into jambs, the main feature being the large chunky finials on each side with grotesque heads at kneeler level; apex cross. Inside the 2 bay porch are stone seats, flag floor, heavily moulded four-centred ogee arch with finial to S door, the plinth above formerly supporting a statue, and angel stops; barrel roof, pegged stone slates, moulding to main beams and wallplate, partly restored; behind present door signs of an earlier higher pointed or relieving arch; ochre limewash fragments; stoup to right. S side of nave to left of porch has small window of 2 chamfered arched lights in a square headed frame, 2 blocked features above, one circular; window to right, restored, has 3 trefoil headed lights with Perpendicular tracery and hoodmould; 2 renewed windows to chancel and blocked former priests' door. E gable end has stepped coping, battered base to E wall, restored 3 light window with decorated tracery, inset wall monument now illegible SE. N side has no openings and is built on boulder footings; E end of nave has wide bay to accommodate road access.  

Limewashed interior with exposed dressings. Nave has wagon roof with reeded principals, formerly bosses at intersections and corbels. W tower arch of 2 orders with hollow chamfers and fluted capitals; inside left a 4 centred arched doorway to tower, the original stone floor some 1.5 m below existing; pointed tunnel vault. Wide embrasure to S nave window. Segmental pointed chamfered chancel arch of two orders dying into the imposts; scars of former rood screen; to right a moulded niche with trefoil head, smaller round arched to left, no doubt formerly for statues; unusual part of stone altar with diamond pattern to chamfered edge and 3 consecration crosses, showing it is not in situ as whole it could not fit the space; reputedly transfered from Llangewydd. Above left in end of N wall a chamfered rood arch doorway at upper level stopped at base, with hollow chamfered basket arched N access doorway and stone steps between intact. Chancel up one step has quite different A frame roof in 3 bays with moulded wallplate and 3 rows of trenched purlins. Many C17 and C18 engraved wall monuments throughout, many with locally favoured round arched heads or baroque style with side piers, heavy finials and coats of arms, some painted to resemble marble, many to local Bennett family of Laleston House; ledger slabs to nave and chancel. George Pace limed oak chancel stalls, desk and pulpit 1958 and elaborate early C20 santuary woodwork including reredos of 1908 by William Clarke of Llandaff. E window possibly Clayton and Bell 1870s; S windows of pale quarry glass with floral motifs. Small octagonal font on an octagonal base possibly Georgian cover, stoup left of door with connecting stone pipe to stoup in porch; benefaction boards of 1769 high over chancel arch; clock by Smiths of Derby 1910.  

Reason for designation
Listed Grade I as a medieval church with fabric including timber roofs mostly intact; group value with Churchyard Cross and Cliff Cottage.  

Cadw : Full Report for Listed Buildings [ Records 1 of 1 ]
