Country house, colourwashed roughcast with graded slate valley roof, hipped at SW and NW angles, paired gables to E end. Deep bracketed timber eaves cornice right around, with panels between brackets. Four roughcast brick end stacks. Three storeys, five-window S garden front, 4-window rear N front, 3-window E entrance front.
S front is plain with sash windows, 12-pane to ground floor 9-pane to first floor, 6-pane to upper floor. Stone plinth, angle quoins, sills and first floor sill band. Centre ground floor window is blank, with curved back. Stone flag pavement in front.
E entrance front has similar plinth, quoins and band. Openings in centre bay only, decorative blank panels to outer bays, and also small blank lunettes above in small pedimental gables over the cornice. Arched panels to ground and first floors, first floor centre with inset long 15-pane sash opening onto porch balcony. Top floor square panels, centre with inset 6-pane sash. Large columned porch, baseless and unfluted Doric columns, pilaster responds, cornice and iron balcony. Arched doorway within, 6-panel door, metal-traceried fanlight, and panelled reveals.
Rear has similar eaves, quoins, and band, but rubble plinth. Sash windows, 9-pane to top floor, 12-pane elsewhere. Stone sills. Ground floor left has attractive semi-circular bow window, of 3 15-pane curved sashes. Adjoining bay has 6-panel door under deep overlight with oval of thin metal tracery, the overlight in a timber pedimented frame with fluted pilasters. Timber added shelf hood between door and overlight. Basement door down stone steps to right.
W end has quoins, band and eaves. 12-pane sash to centre of both upper floors. Ground floor has two single-storey parallel service ranges running W.
Service ranges have graded slate roofs, hipped W gables and arched W doorway between. S face has door, 2 blank windows, 2 triple casements, door and 16-pane window. Stone sills. Within court, N side has door each side of triple casement, S side has 3 doors. N face of N range has 20-pane sash to left, blocked door, blocked door with inserted window, two square triple casement windows, door and another 20-pane sash.
From NE corner of house extends short length of roughcast coped wall to two sandstone ashlar gate piers with cornices and caps.