Scheduled Monuments- Full Report
Summary Description of a Scheduled Monument
Three Round Barrows in Lower Hale Wood
Date of Designation
Unitary Authority
Broad Class
Religious, Ritual and Funerary
Summary Description and Reason for Designation
The following provides a general summary of the Scheduled Ancient Monument.
The monument comprises the remains of three burial cairns, probably dating to the Bronze Age (c. 2300 - 800 BC) located in a dense forestry plantation. Cairn A survives as a broad ring of stones, 26m in diameter and 1.8m high, the centre of the monument having been robbed of stone. Cairn B is located 100m SSE of cairn A and comprises a stone mound measuring 14m N/S by 12m and up to 1.5m high. Cairn C is located 115m SW of cairn A and is circular in plan, 10m in diameter and 0.6m high.
The monument is of national importance for its potential to enhance our knowledge of prehistoric burial and ritual practices. The monument is an important relic of a prehistoric funerary and ritual landscape and retains significant archaeological potential, with a strong probability of the presence of both intact burial or ritual deposits, together with environmental and structural evidence. Cairns may be part of a larger cluster of monuments and their importance can further enhanced by their group value.
The scheduled area comprises the remains described and areas around them within which related evidence may be expected to survive
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