Scheduled Monuments- Full Report
Summary Description of a Scheduled Monument
Goldcliff Pill Anti-invasion Defences
Date of Designation
Unitary Authority
Site Type
Anti-tank Obstacle
Post Medieval/Modern
Summary Description and Reason for Designation
The following provides a general description of the Scheduled Ancient Monument.
The monument consists of anti-invasion defences, dating to the early period of the Second World War (AD 1940-41), which formed part of Western Command's coastal crust defences. The defences comprise of two lengths of concrete anti-tank cube alignments; Item A is located on the S bank of Goldcliff Pill and comprises of a single row of 21 NNW-SSE aligned cubes measuring 80m in length. Item B is located on the N bank of Goldcliff Pill and comprises of a single row of 26 cubes, forming a reversed L-shape 75m in length on plan. Each anti-tank cube measures 1.16m in length and width, and 1.26m in height. The cubes are oriented corner to corner and spaced at 1.47m intervals. Each cube was equipped with four or five upright set stones on its upper surface to break up its square profile when viewed from a distance. Unusually the shuttering for each cube used Braithwaite panels used in the fabrication of water tanks.
The monument is of national importance for its potential to enhance our knowledge of Second World War anti-invasion practices. It is well preserved and is an important relic of actions taken against the perceived threat of a German invasion from Ireland. It retains significant archaeological potential, with a strong probability of the presence of associated archaeological features and deposits. The size, form and appearance of the cubes are believed unique in Wales, owing to the use of Braithwaite panels as shuttering, rather than the more commonly occurring wooden or corrugated sheet shuttering.
The areas scheduled comprise the remains described and areas around them within which related evidence may be expected to survive. Area A is centred on Item A at ST 36363 82639. It is roughly rectangular in shape on plan and measures 90m N-S by 12m transversely. Area B is centred on Item B at ST 36408 182528. It is L-shaped on plan and measures 85m in length by 12m in width.
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