Scheduled Monuments- Full Report

Summary Description of a Scheduled Monument

Reference Number
Trawsgoed Roman Fort  
Date of Designation


Unitary Authority

Broad Class
Site Type


Summary Description and Reason for Designation
The following provides a general description of the Scheduled Ancient Monument. The monument is comprised of buried features and earthworks representing a Roman fort. The primary Roman fort network was designed and constructed by the Roman army for the purpose of military conquest and rule. Trawsgoed Roman Fort overlooks the point where the Roman road between Llanio and Pen-llwyn crosses the river Ystwyth. First identified from the air in 1959 as a series of parchmarks, subsequent excavation and ground and geophysical survey have done much to develop our understanding of the nature and extent of the site. It measures c.170m north-east to south-west by 130m, covering an area of approximately 2.0ha enclosed by a single rampart and ditch with rounded corners and a gateway in each side. Parts of the defences can be seen as low spread banks up to 0.5m high in the parkland to the north of the modern road which cuts across the site. The fort interior was filled with rows of barracks which may have housed up to 800 auxiliary infantry or a smaller number of cavalry. The headquarters building, commandant’s house and granaries were set out along the central range. There are indications of extramural settlement and other ancillary features on all sides of the fort, though the most important area appears to have been on the north-west, along the prolongation of the via principalis and a second, parallel road to its east. Here evidence has been found for numerous buildings and for brick and tile manufacture and metalworking in both copper alloy and iron. The fortunes of the fort and the extramural vicus were closely entwined; both appearing to have flourished and faded at similar times, and both were rebuilt at least once. The fort was founded in the late AD70s, but towards the end of the century there appears to have been a period of disuse, followed by re-occupation and final abandonment between 125 and 130 AD. The monument is of national importance for its potential to enhance our knowledge of Roman military organisation. The monument forms an important element within the wider context of the Roman occupation of Wales and the structures may contain well preserved archaeological evidence concerning chronology, layout and building techniques. The scheduled area comprises the remains described and areas around them within which related evidence may be expected to survive.  

Cadw : Scheduled Monuments- Full Report [ Records 1 of 1 ]
