Scheduled Monuments- Full Report
Summary Description of a Scheduled Monument
Broad Class
Religious, Ritual and Funerary
Site Type
Inscribed Stone
Summary Description and Reason for Designation
The monument comprises the remains of a standing stone, which probably dates to the early medieval period.
The stone stands on upland moorland beside the Roman road between the forts at Neath and Brecon. It was excavated and re-erected in 1940. It is a straight-sided rectilinear stone c. 2.7 m high standing upright on a stone platform level with the ground c. 2 x 2 m square. There is a vertical inscription on the south-west side to Dervacus son of Justus. The other sides are bare. No burial was found during excavation.
The monument is of national importance for its potential to enhance our knowledge of early medieval burial and ritual practices. It is an important relic of a funerary and ritual landscape and retains significant archaeological potential. There is a strong probability of the presence of intact burial or ritual deposits, together with environmental and structural evidence. Standing stones are often part of a larger cluster of monuments and their importance can further enhanced by their group value.
The scheduled area comprises the remains described and areas around them within which related evidence may be expected to survive.
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